Artist talk: #organism
11 Nov 2021  16-0

Organism, a living being, a system of organs or more generally: a living whole. Organism is a basic concept in biology because all life processes take place in or between organisms. Claus Emmeche, The Great Dane

The exhibition #organism explores different types of organisms and life: living moss draped around a setting à la IKEA, a cultivated symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), a vertical landscape with plants, fungi and lichens fixed in epoxy, cell precursors and sculptures of plastic-eating bacteria created from recycled vegetable boxes.

The works focus on a number of themes in our relationship to nature: the relationship between the natural and the artificial, between life and death, growth and decay processes and symbiotic relationships between organisms.

Over the past century, biotechnological developments have increasingly enabled the manipulation of living things, just as human actions are radically changing the planet earth. #organism reflects on what this development means for our relationship with nature and for the interplay between different forms of life.

Common to the works are that they not only affect us intellectually but also sensually, we encounter diverse textures in the form of fungi, plants, moss, silk, fur, plastic, silicone and varnish in an exhibition that moves on the border between it beautiful and the abject.

#organism is curated by Louise Sparre

The exhibition is supported by the Statens Kunstfond, Kulturudviklingspuljen Aarhus and Ny Calsbergfondet.


Text: Pernille Leth-Espensen
Source: KH7


Sydhavnsgade 7, sal
8000 Aarhus C

The exhibition is open: Thur- Sat 14 – 17

Artist talk: #organism
11 Nov 2021  16-0


'Artist talk: #organism'
